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Jones Miller Student Emergency Fund
Responding to Student Crisis

A lot of our students at JMU struggle with financial challenges. Sometimes these circumstances are community emergencies (remember the Southview fire?), and sometimes these are personal issues, such as family troubles like unexpected job loss.

In the toughest times, this fund provides direct support to help students meet those challenges, stay in school, and become Dukes for life.

JMU alumni couple Jamie Jones Miller (’99), dean and CEO with Northeastern University, and Tim Miller (’96, ’00M), JMU’s Vice President for Student Affairs, established this fund. They have endowed it with $50,000 and announced it on Dr. Miller’s 50th birthday in December 2023, asking the JMU community to join them in growing the available dollars for students. The Jones Miller Student Emergency Endowment is named after their parents: Jamie’s father, Col. Mark Jones (USAF Ret.) and mother, Bobby Jones, retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency; and Tim’s father, Hugh Miller, III, a U.S. Navy Veteran, and mother, Patricia Miller, who is a retired school teacher.

JMUAA for Jones Miller Student Emergency Fund
Way to go, Dukes! You've met this challenge.
$3,500 MATCHED
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