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Centennial Scholars
Support scholarships for first-gen students across Virginia
Your life-altering scholarship gift for students in the Centennial Scholars program means you believe in JMU’s proven commitment to first-generation success. Here, first-gens graduate at a dramatically higher rate (78 percent) than at other universities (20 percent, according to the Center for First-Generation Success).

Better yet, our Centennial Scholars graduation rate is nearly 90 percent. These impressive statistics are a testament to their own hard work and JMU’s commitment to them.

In addition to focused support, Centennial Scholars take full advantage of all the aspects of the Madison Experience you know and love–like top-notch academics, special bonds with professors, study abroad and community service opportunities, and more.

As of May 2023, more than 750 students from across the Commonwealth of Virginia have graduated from JMU through Centennial Scholars.

Make your scholarship gift now to the Centennial Scholarship Endowment help more Centennial Scholars attend JMU and graduate successfully—because our world needs everyone to rise to their full potential!
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