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College of Education
Transforming Education

The vision of the College of Education is to be a model for transforming educational landscapes into those that develop and inspire learners, educators and leaders to effect positive, sustainable change. In the past two years, we have emerged as JMU’s top college for grant funding dollars. Two faculty members have received National Science Foundation (NSF) grants for research projects aimed at improving mathematics teaching:

  • Dr. Jim Bywater’s award supports the development of the AI-based Classroom Teaching Simulator (ACTS). Created by Bywater and colleagues, ACTS is a web-based system that enables teacher candidates to practice engaging a virtual student in a specific mathematical task with dynamic visualizations and automated feedback on performance.

  • Dr. Zareen Aga’s research aims to develop a cohesive support system for middle and high school pre-service teachers to become critical mathematics teachers. Expanding the current body of education research, this innovative project focuses on strengthening collaborations, developing mathematics methods courses and creating professional development materials.

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