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College of Business
Supporting the Scholars

More than a half-century since its founding, the College of Business finds itself welcoming some of the nation’s brightest students. Challenged by rigorous curriculum and transformational experiences, they emerge well-prepared to make their way in a volatile global marketplace. Our winning combination of top-notch faculty, industry partners and involved alumni produces ethical and engaged graduates who are equipped with an entrepreneurial mindset, functional knowledge and leadership skills.

Your contribution toward student scholarships provides opportunities for some of the most promising future leaders—including those for whom a college education might otherwise remain out of reach. Invest with us in the future of business by contributing to these funds to make a difference on Giving Day:

COB Fifty to Infinity Scholarship: Support our Gold Scholars—an elite group of students who display a high level of academic excellence and business acumen. These are students for whom JMU is already a leading option but who are also being vigorously recruited by rival institutions. Increased availability of these merit-based scholarships will solidify our competitive position in the market for top talent.

College of Business: Your gift to the College of Business Fund prepares engaged, entrepreneurial, ethical graduates who advance quickly in their careers.

COB's Fifty to Infinity
Way to go, Dukes! You've met this challenge. When you reached 250 donors, Richard (’81) and Alison Banziger, Nora (’82) and Steve (’80) Crouch, and Chad (’88) and Lauryn Pomeroy partnered to award an additional $100K to this COB scholarship fund.
200 / 200 Donors
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